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Greening the Islands: Presenting the world’s most important hybridisation projects for supplying water and energy on islands

News & Blog

Hybridisation project for Pantelleria, Italy to be unveiled
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Milan, 22 October 2014 – “Greening the Islands: Energy & Water” is almost sold out just one week from the first edition of the event, which promoted by The Green Consulting Group and organised by Let’s Agreen Events in collaboration with the Municipality of Pantelleria and held “under the auspices” of WWAP-UNESCO – UN WATER with the support of several industry associations from various countries.

The topics on the agenda are of utmost urgency. On many islands, energy is produced with diesel power plants, at a cost often exceeding 1€/kWh while drinking water in these remote locations is often scarce meaning it must be rationed and brought by ship at considerable cost. On top of this, environmental costs of existing solutions are high.

The green economy is the answer that can address these issues and build a sustainable future for islands. Tried and tested solutions exist that can help transition progressively towards a “zero emission” context. In particular, renewables are able to lower energy production costs by more than a fifth and, if coupled with hybrid systems, can reduce fuel use by over 70%, with the added benefit of cutting CO2 emissions and pollution of the sea.

Renewables-diesel hybrid systems are a transition solution until battery costs fall sufficiently to eliminate the need for fuel altogether. In the meantime, the cost of producing water through desalination is greatly reduced thanks to the lower energy costs achieved by using renewables, given that electricity accounts for a good 50% of the total cost of desalination. Latest-generation desalination plants allow for a further reduction in expenditure, further justifying their use. On top of this economic gain, there are huge environmental benefits. The event is therefore an ideal occasion to present and share best practices from different parts of the world and to have an exclusive presentation of the hybridisation project undertaken by the island of Pantelleria.

It is essential to remember that, given the process is still in a research and innovation phase, islands represent ideal laboratories for testing solutions that can then be applied in other remote places and even on the “mainland”. With a view to better understanding the issues of this energy-water nexus, institutions, opinion leaders and companies from all over the world will come together at Pantelleria, in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea.

Since few places are still available at the Barbicana Castle on the island of Pantelleria, where the event will be held, and given the many requests to join the proceedings from various parts of the world, a live stream will be available. The feed will be provided to anyone who signs up by Tuesday 27 October on the official website of the event (

Note to editors:
“Greening The Islands: Energy & Water” is an event of The Green Consulting Group, organised by Let’s Agreen Events with the collaboration of Pantelleria Council, “under the auspices” of WWAP-UNESCO – UN WATER and with the support of various industrial associations from various countries.
The updated programme and supporting material are available from the event website:


GHP is a world leader in hybridization systems for the production of energy, and has been operating for over three years in this market. The founders each have over 20 years of global experience in the energy sector, in both traditional and renewable energy. GHP is a pioneer and has the know-how to find solutions and source technologies to solve customers challenges. GHP is creating systems that integrate renewable power, conventional energy, storage devices and optimization software, designed to provide competitive and reliable energy to grid connected and off-grid customers. GHP covers origination, design, development, construction and operations and maintenance, as well as financing.


SIBA is one of the leading companies in the Italian market for the water integrated cycle. SIBA  has a technological background of technical excellence and high quality in every process and the expertise of nearly 300 highly skilled resources on 3 sites:  Milano, Mantova and Padova. SIBA is the operating company in Italy of VEOLIA WATER SOLUTIONS & TECHNOLOGIES GROUP belonging to Veolia Environnement which has been world leader for the last 150 years in the “management of the water cycle” operating worldwide meeting the needs of large and small urban centers and many factories. SIBA offers advanced solutions in different areas and, with more than 900 customers, can boast a widespread presence throughout the country.


SO.FI.P was established in 1987 by a family group of entrepreneurs in the field of energy and desalination of sea water. Today the Company runs the desalination of sea water on the islands of Pantelleria, Lampedusa and Linosa , owned by the Region of Sicily . In 2012 SO.FI.P produced about one million cubic meters of desalinated water.
The company i salso an industrial holding of a group of companies which generate power for the islands of Pantelleria and Lampedusa, Linosa and Marettimo and distributed exclusively in their respective municipalities , under the concession granted by the Ministry of Economic Development.


ACCIONA Agua builds and operates some of the largest desalination plants in the world. The services regarding treatment and management of water supply meet the needs of more than 70 million people in 20 countries.
ACCIONA Agua’s mission is to be a leader in providing complete solutions to contribute to a sustainable development in the water sector through innovation in design, implementation and management of treatment plants, water purification and desalination.
One of the key factors of ACCIONA is the constant bet on innovation. The Technology Department in Barcelona has focused the activities of Research+Development+innovation in technologies for the water sector. In addition to the main laboratories, there are some pilot plants, where they develop different research programs to study alternative solutions to ensure availability, quality and water supply, going on applying sustainability criterias.


Convert Italy SpA has thirty years of experience in the Italian renewable energy sector.
Convert Italia designs and manufactures technological systems based on energy efficiency and offers customized solutions, effective and reliable for the use of renewable energy sources. The main areas of activity are three.
Renewable energy: from design to construction, Convert takes care of plants for the production of energy from renewable sources such as solar PV to meet the needs of large and small industries.
Energy efficiency: develops and manages projects and facilities for the energy efficiency, operating as ESCOs for a full service and ensuring results at no cost to the customer.
Industrial production: develops and implements uninterruptible power supplies, power stations and single-axis trackers as individual products or as components for integrated systems.
A company of electrical solutions for the global marketplace of Energy, capable of canceling the distance between the customer and the best answer to his needs. History, experience and expertise, combined with R & D and investment in technological innovation make it constantly at the forefront.


Established in 1975 by Lorenzo Belbusti, Protecno has always dealt with water treatment. In few years, also with the incoming of Andrea Belbusti, Lorenzo’s brother, Protecno has expanded to include the building of plants for the treatment of primary and process waters and has become one of the most important Italian companies in the field.
This result has been achieved thanks to Protecno’s reliability and professionalism and also to the usage of the most advanced technologies; the growing integration in the foreign market has largely contributed to the company’s success. Today Protecno is present in Middle East, Persian Gulf, Central America, North Africa, East Europe, South Europ. Protecno has been certified UNI EN ISO-9001 since 1997. Protecno provides: plants: filtration, ION exchange and E.D.I., membrane, chemical-physical, biological and lifting plants; products: equipments, automation, chemicals; services: assistance and management, design and research, outsourcing and rent.
Protecno’s mission is to create solutions, systems and technologically innovative advanced systems and plants that enable maximum reliability and maximum efficiency in the highest respect for the environment.

SMA Group

The SMA Group generated sales of more than €930 million in 2013 and is the global market leader for solar inverters, a key component of all PV plants. SMA offers innovative key technologies for future power supply structures. It is headquartered in Niestetal, near Kassel, Germany, and is represented in 21 countries. The Group employs more than 5,000 people worldwide. SMA’s broad
product portfolio includes a compatible inverter for every type of module on the market and for all plant sizes. The product range includes both inverters for grid-connected photovoltaic plants as well as off-grid and hybrid system technology. The product portfolio is supplemented by comprehensive services and operational management of utility-scale PV plants. Since 2008, the Group’s parent company, SMA Solar Technology AG, has been listed on the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (S92) and also in the TecDAX index.


SOPES operates in the area of applied economics and territorial planning, in the design and realisation of waterworks and all-purpose infrastructures, the protection of water resources as well as the management of water treatment plants.
SOPES expertise is organised so as to provide all the services to complete the whole cycle of a project, particularly in the areas of applied economics and resource planning in terms of development. More specifically, the company deals with the different stages of a project, from the identification (i.e. the selection of projects which can contribute to fulfil specific objectives in the development of an area) to the preparation (i.e. economic, technical and financial analysis of the most interesting proposals) and from the evaluation through some cost-benefit analyses in accordance with the conventional standard used by international Organisations when funding development projects up to the implementation. The latter is further divided into operational design, production of documents to participate in tenders, contract award, technical supervision, accounting, inspection services, management and maintenance of the works involved.
The SOPES team has long experience of design, supervision of construction of waterworks and land-reclamation works as well as considerable competence in the management and maintenance of irrigation networks and in integrated engineering services for the realisation and management of sea-water desalination plants, sharing a great deal of its professional expertise with the “Ing. Benedetto Caffarelli” planning office.

Press office:
Cecilia Bergamasco, mail:, cell. +39 347 9306784


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