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Share your success stories by entering the 5th Greening the Islands Awards

News & Blog

Do you have a great story to tell about innovation for greener islands? If so, you have peers, colleagues and potential partners working on islands around the world who can’t wait to hear the good news and apply sustainable solutions to their local context.

How do we make this happen? The answer is the Greening the Island Awards, an annual competition we organise to shine a light on the best projects and innovative solutions in a range of sectors.

Applications are now open for this year’s edition of the Greening the Island Awards and the winners will be announced during the Greening the Islands International Conference taking place in Palermo on 15 October 2019.

If you are an island administration or business partner involved in an innovative project that is helping in the transition to a more sustainable future and reduce carbon impacts, the Greening the Islands Awards is a unique opportunity to gain recognition for your work and share your initiative with similar communities internationally.

The winners of the 5thedition of the awards will be selected by prestigious jury members as well as members of the community. Applications can be made until 7 October so hurry to get your application ready. For more information and past winners, see the awards website.

The best projects will be chosen based on votes cast by an international jury composed of: 

  • François Alfonsi – Member of ITRE Committee – European Parliament
  • George Kremlis – Honorary Director – Directorate General for the Environment, European Commission – Active Senior responsible for circular economy in the islands
  • Helmut Morsi – Adviser to the Director and Coordinator for Innovation, European Commission, DG MOVE-B
  • Giovanni Ruggieri – Chairman OTIE (Observatory on Tourism for Islands Economy)
  • Giuseppe Sciacca – Executive Secretary CPMR (Conference Peripheral Maritime Regions) Islands Commission
  • Konstantina Toli – Senior Programme Officer, Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP)
  • Salvatore Vinci – Deputy Director, Country Support & Partnerships Division (CSP), Irena (The International Renewable Energy Agency)


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