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Genius Watter for sustainable tourism: water and energy for an eco-resort in cape verde

News & Blog

Genius Watter has created a sustainable energy and water efficiency system on the Island of Santiago in Cape Verde, transforming King Fisher Village into an eco-resort, significantly reducing the operating costs.

Carmignano di Brenta (Padua), June 30th, 2021

Genius Watter, the Italian company active in the creation of solar-powered desalination plants, is strengthening its green positioning also in tourism working alongside the King Fisher Village, on the island of Santiago in Cape Verde, in the process of its transformation into an eco-resort, creating the new energy and water efficiency system, with a zero-emission solar sustainability project, allowing a net reduction in operating costs.

Indeed, the main costs for the hotel sector in this area relate to the supply of water and energy. Thanks to Genius Watter’s technology, King Fisher Village will be able to offer and use water and energy obtained sustainably, reducing operating costs by 85% and significantly improving the quality of the water supplied.

Genius Watter’s solar-powered reverse osmosis plant will allow to reduce environmental impact, thanks to the zero-emission desalination technology. This will replace the current water supply, which has been carried out so far by using diesel-powered desalination systems by a local utility.

In this project, Genius Watter also consolidates its position as the only reference partner regarding the construction and management of energy and water efficiency plants, thanks to its skills and expertise in both fields.

The project involves several stages of development:

  1. A 72-kWp photovoltaic plant with planned extension up to 130 kWp within the year to ensure 100% of the energy required by the desalination plant and 80% of the electricity needs of the resort.
  2. Seawater desalination unit: ultra-efficient solar-powered reverse osmosis plant for the daily production of 30,000 litres of clean water, of which 1,000 litres are duly remineralized for high-quality drinking and are channelled to the main distribution points via brand-new piping.
  3. Heating of potable water for showering: installation of two special boilers of 2,000 litres each where water is heated by the photovoltaic energy during daytime, stored and then made available in the evening when the use of showers is particularly intense.

Genius Watter’s important commitment to the environment and sustainability in the tourism sector is therefore confirmed once again: providing access to energy and clean water in sustainable way guaranteeing lower operating costs.

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