News & Blog

Welcome to Energy Everywhere our new Observatory member and sponsor of the conference

News & Blog

5 billion people lack dependable power; of those 1 billion have none at all. Energy Everywhere, based inMilan, Italy and Berkeley, California, is built on the vision that addressing this energy challenge catalyzes enormous economic, heath and educational benefits globally.

With Islands as the vanguard for these transformations, Energy Everywhere is excited to join as a Gold Member of Greening the Islands Observatory, supporting the sustainable development of circular island economies. Building on the momentum of Island istallations of Energy Everywhere’s EEPower™System, the goal is to reduce the need for the expensive, uncertain availability and harmful to the environmental fossil fuels. EEPower™, a renewable microgrid-based system designed uniquely for Island installations, considers the complete network of utility services from desalination to waste management to communications to home and commercial power. The Systemoptimizes clean generation, storage and emergency backup, taking into account varying demands and load profiles. Most important is Energy Everywhere’s Energy as a Service (EaaS) offering, removing the capital and operational burden of power system ownership from the Island’s economy.

In a Carribean Island show case project, Energy Everywhere incorporates solar generation, battery storage, energy management and remote monitoring and control. The project demonstrates the system’s ability to integrate with the existing power network, and deliver clean energy to the island, without upfront capital investment. Energy Everywhere is implementing its EaaS approach which allows the Island and its businesses and residents, to purchase the power as it is consumed.  This showcase project is paving the way for the island to go initially to 75 percent clean energy, and ultimately 100% green.

Through the prorpietary EEPower™Source Program, Energy Everywhere partners with and incorporates the most reliable and highest value technologies. “We are excited to join forces with the many creative people in the Greening the Islands community who have compelling solutions which we can help to quickly bring to customers,” explained Energy Everywhere CEO Dr. Paul Meissner.  The company partners with those supplying established and leading-edge technologies in all aspects of clean energy, with a unique offering to prove-in new innovations.

Energy Everywhere is also pleased to sponsor the 4thNational and 6thInternational Greening the Islands Conference on October 15th.  At the Conference the company will present a case study on how EEPower™System will bring dependable power, a clean footprint, and the financial resources to dramatically improve Island independence and sustainability.



Click here and read more about Energy Everywhere 

We take processes apart, rethink, rebuild, and deliver them back working smarter than ever before.