Winner Waste 2019


Winner GTI Awards 2019 – Waste

Green Kiosk: an innovative recycling system, Naxos

General information:

Island (Region, Province, Country):
Naxos (Region & South Aegean, Greece)


Budget / cost of the project:
€ 1,758,267


Project objectives:

– To establish an integrated, replicable system of innovative character for source separation and treatment of MSW for remote areas in Greece and EU;
– To treat MSW at source avoiding waste collection, transportation and treatment of MSW in central recovery facilities;
– To recover the maximum possible resources generating more than 12 streams of clean materials, while contributing to diversion of waste from landfill;
– To inform and train citizens on how to sort different types of recyclable material through the set up of innovative prototype systems, operated from specially trained personnel;
– To facilitate material recycling and improve the quality of the recovered materials through better waste sorting and treatment methods;
– To make recycling of waste an economically attractive option for remote areas


Project description of activities and specific interventions:

The project develops and demonstrates an innovative recycling system (Green Kiosk) tailored to fit into local area needs to produce high quality recyclable materials for recycling MSW in remote areas aiming to:
• increase the recycling rate for all MSW by fine sorting, compression and baling of different types of recyclable waste locally;
• eliminate the amount of waste from the target areas going to dumps
by the Installation and demonstration of nine (9) innovative prototype units in the target areas, each able to treat 500 kg of MSW per day. Following fine separation and removal of impurities, high-quality recyclable materials are finally directed to local/regional recycling markets for further exploitation. A digital application records the type and quality of recyclables and allows for rewards to participating citizens as well as distant monitoring of the performance of the recycling scheme.
It involves the participation and raising awareness of more than 2,000 residents and tourists and offers suggestions for full-scale implementation of the proposed innovative systems for the target areas.
The Green Kiosk key benefits are: compact footprint (typical 20m3-container housing, dimensions: 6.06m x 2.59m x 2.44m), construction easiness and flexibility in modifications, ease of transportation and installation, high functional comfort due to space arrangements (distinct compartments for each process of recyclables treatment), distinct and insulated storage compartment for increased safety, can be paired with another container to expand storage space, low complexity of handling installed equipment, low maintenance and repair costs due to the use of commercial systems.


Public outreach, education and awareness efforts and results:

Dissemination activities foreseen included:
Public consultation events: over 200 participants were informed in detail about the project objectives and expected results.
Didactic events: over 600 students were informed about recycling and the new recycling scheme established by PAVETHEWAYSTE project
Information campaigns: 7 local communities were informed about the PAVETHEWAYSTE recycling scheme official initiation, while relevant informative material and equipment were distributed. About 1500 households and businesses were communicated.
An International Conference on sustainable solid waste management was organized, on 13-16th June 2018 in Naxos with over 600 participants from over 100 countries (
Training sessions – Capacity Building: Two training sessions addressed to the operators of the pilot systems (20 people trained). Two training seminars to representatives of local/regional Municipalities to promote capacity building and full-scale implementation of PAVEtheWAySTE project at the level of municipality/prefecture (50 people were informed)
Development of communication tools and information materials: Three (3) sets of leaflets/brochures, Fourteen (14) sets of e-newsletters , a five (5) minute DVD film, a communication tool for establishing a reward scheme and the monitoring of residents’ waste performance.


Economic value added and how calculated:

Net Operating Profit After Taxes (NOPAT) is calculated as follows:
Sales = 8 Recycling Units * 30,000 Euros = 240,000 Euros
Cost of Goods Sold (COGDS) = 240,000 Euros * 30% = 72,000 Euros (also includes part of the CAPEX as OPEX).
Gross Margin: Sales – COGS = 168,000 Euros
Less: Administrative Expenses (6% of Sales) = 10,080 Euros
Less: Sales Expenses (3%) = 5,040 Euros
Earnings Before Taxes (EBT) = 152,880 Euros
Less: Taxes (22%) of EBT = 33,633 Euros
Net Operating Income (NOI) = 119,246 Euros
Less: Capital Expenditure (CapEx) = 112,000 Euros (14,000 * 8 units)
Net Operating Profit after Taxes (NOPAT) = 7,246 Euros

Economic Value Added (EVA) = 7,246 – (Capex * Cost of Capital) = 7,246 – (112,000 * 0,05) = 7,246 – 5,600 = 1,646 Euros.


Ecological and social project outcomes:

• Diverting a significant part of the recyclable municipal solid waste from landfills (20 to 40% of recyclables), therefore contributing and supporting the implementation of EU and national policy;
• Minimizing the carbon footprint of municipal solid waste management as a whole through minimization of waste transportation needs and associated greenhouse gas emissions;
• Producing high quality materials that are further exploited by their reintroduction to the market chain, promoting resource efficiency. The quality of the recycled materials meet market specifications, since PAVETHEWAYSTE system ensures high purity recovered products and the presence of an operator in the Green Kiosk can further enhance the elimination of residues in the collected pre-sorted material.

• Increase of social awareness and recognition of the benefits of protecting the environment promoting sustainable waste management and recycling
• Raising the municipality environmental profile and status of the area
• Incentives for local job opportunities and development in the field of recycling
• Protection of public health